Amethyst Falcon

The Falcon is a single-place  aerobatic ultralight biplane. It was designed by Eric Whitney with the goal that it could be built by a home-builder in a single-car garage. The stress calculations were carried out by Bill Whitney. Two  Falcons have been constructed to date, the first by Bill Knight,  shown below.


I have presented plans for free-flight models in two different sizes, described below.

The first plan is for a Peanut Scale (13″ span) model. A model built f rom this plan has been successfully flown by Jiro Sugimoto, his model is shown below:

The other plan is for a 22″ span model (559 mm) which has 129 square inches of wing area. It is suitable for rubber power or KP-01 electric power. The plan prints on 6 pages.

Click here to read an article I wrote describing this model for the Small Flying Arts website.